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論文題目 論文作者 發(fā)表年度 刊物名稱
Flares from Merged Magnetars: Their Prospects as a New Population of Gamma-Ray Counterparts of Binary Neutron Star Mergers Yi, SX; Zhang, Z; Wang, XL 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Moving Corona and the Line Profile of the Relativistic Broad Iron Emission Line Feng, Y; Yuan, YF; Zhang, SN 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Probing the Zbb coupling at the Z-pole of future lepton colliders Yan, B; Yuan, CP; Yuan, SR 2023 PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Collider test of nano-Hertz gravitational waves from pulsar timing arrays Li, SP; Xie, KP 2023 PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Spin-orbit amplitudes for decays with arbitrary spin Li, XY; Dong, XK; Jing, HJ 2023 NUCLEAR PHYSICS A
Deep insight on efficiency of deposited energy within sensitive volumes for characterizing basic mechanism of single event upset saturated cross-section regarding implicit inaccuracy Geng, C; Tong, T 2023 RADIATION EFFECTS AND DEFECTS IN SOLIDS
Semi-classical rotating black hole in loop quantum gravity Xu, ZY 2023 JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS
PMMA based compound kinoform lenses for sub-150 nm hard x-rays focusing Liu, J; Xu, YZ 2023 AIP ADVANCES
Sphaleron in the Higgs Triplet Model Hu, JH; Yu, BR; Zhou, S 2023 JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS
Enhancement of the screening effect in semiconductor detectors in the presence of the neutrino magnetic moment Li, YF; Xia, SY 2023 JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS
Beyond tree level with solar neutrinos: Towards measuring the flavor composition and CP violation Brdar, V; Xu, XJ 2023 PHYSICS LETTERS B
Form factors of Ω - in a covariant quark-diquark approach Fu, DY; Wang, JQ; Dong, YB 2023 PHYSICAL REVIEW D
X-Ray Properties of PSR J1811-1925 by NuSTAR Zheng, JT; Ge, MY; Li, XH 2023 RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS
GRB 221009A with an Unconventional Precursor: A Typical Two-stage Collapsar Scenario? Song, XY; Zhang, SN 2023 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
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中國科學(xué)院高能物理研究所 備案序號:京ICP備05002790號-1 文保網(wǎng)安備案號: 110402500050