高能所理論物理室邢志忠研究員和德國馬普物理所周順博士(高能所2009年博士畢業(yè)生),歷時兩年完成了70萬字、430頁的英文專著《Neutrinos in Particle Physics, Astronomy and Cosmology》(《中微子:從粒子物理學(xué)到天文學(xué)和宇宙學(xué)》)。日前,該書已由浙江大學(xué)出版社和世界著名的Springer-Verlag出版社聯(lián)合出版發(fā)行。這是高能所在中微子理論研究領(lǐng)域所取得的又一重要成果。
Chapter 01: Neutrinos: Past, Present and Future
Chapter 02: Neutrinos within the Standard Model
Chapter 03: Neutrinos beyond the Standard Model
Chapter 04: Seesaw Mechanisms of Neutrino Masses
Chapter 05: Phenomenology of Neutrino Oscillations
Chapter 06: Neutrinos from Stars
Chapter 07: Neutrinos from Supernove
Chapter 08: Ultrahigh-energy Cosmic Neutrinos
Chapter 09: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and Relic Neutrinos
Chpater 10: Neutrinos and Cosmological Structures
Chapter 11: Cosmological Matter-antimatter Asymmetry