Experimental Physics Division (EPD) seminar
Title: Novel method for the direct measurement of the tau lepton dipole moments
Speaker: Dr. Jinlin FU (INFN Milan)
Time: 10:00, Wednesday 8th May 2019
Location: B326 main building
Indico: https://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/9850/
Abstract: Direct measurements of the magnetic (g-2) and electric dipole moments of the tau lepton have been elusive, mostly due to its short lifetime, the need for large samples of highly-boosted and polarized taus, and the presence of neutrinos. A novel experimental technique is proposed that would fill this gap of particle physics, with interesting perspectives for a stringent test of the standard model and search of new physics. The method relies on a dedicated fixed-target setup at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) that fully exploits the polarization and spin precession properties of tau leptons channeled in bent crystals.
About the speaker:
Dr. Jinlin FU (傅金林) is a postdoctoral research fellow from INFN Milan. He obtained his PhD at the Nanjing University and joined the LHCb experiment since 2013. His works include CP violation searches in b- and c- hadron decays, EDM searches of baryons and tau, rare decay searches and test beam.