【11.06】高能理論論壇第83期--An effective theory analysis of partonic dynamics in a medium
文章來(lái)源:  2024-11-04
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報(bào)告題目:An effective theory analysis of partonic dynamics in a medium

報(bào)? 告 人:?柯偉堯,教授,華中師范大學(xué)

主? 持 人:劉澤蘢,副研究員,中國(guó)科學(xué)院高能物理研究所





In high-energy experiments with nuclei, the production of hard patrons are modified due to their interactions with the surrounding QCD environments. A systematic study of such medium correction is key to 1) the jet tomography of the quark-gluon plasma produced in AA collisions, 2) the interpretation of the transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) data in pA and eA and the empirical extraction of nuclear TMD functions, and 3) the development of in-medium shower Monte Carlo, etc.?

In this talk, using hadron production in eA and Drell-Yan in pA collisions as examples, I will demonstrate how the problem of hard parton interacting with medium is analyzed using the Soft Collinear Effective Theory with Glauber gluons and beyond. In particular, it is found that medium-related semi-hard energy scales give rise to perturbative evolution equations that encode medium-induced parton energy loss, radiative broadening, and their interplay. A simple formula is given to understand the three-dimensional dynamics of a parton propagating in the cold nuclear matter, and it provides a reasonable description of the nuclear modification factors in the considered processes in eA and pA. Finally, I will discuss how the result may benefit future global analysis of the nuclear TMD parton distribution functions.

[1] W. Ke, I. Vitev Phys.Lett.B 854 (2024) 138751.

[2] W. Ke, J. Terry, I. Vitev 2408.10310.


Weiyao Ke obtained his PhD from Duke University in nuclear theory in 2019, after which he moved to Lawrence-Berkeley National Lab and UC-Berkeley as a postdoc working with Xin-Nian Wang. From 2021 to 2023, he was a postdoc fellow at Los Alamos National Lab working with Ivan Vitev. Since the fall of 2023, he become a faculty member at Central China Normal University. His research is focused on the theory and MC models for jets and heavy quarks in the hot and cold nuclear matter, non-equilibrium phenomena and dynamical modeling of nuclear collisions.


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中國(guó)科學(xué)院高能物理研究所 備案序號(hào):京ICP備05002790號(hào)-1 文保網(wǎng)安備案號(hào): 110402500050