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【12.10】Seminar:Realising Dark Matter and PTA via Dark Branes
文章來源:  2024-12-09
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Title:?Realising Dark Matter and PTA via Dark Branes
Speaker:?Dr. Fotis Koutroulis?(Institute?of?High?Energy?Physics, CAS)
Host:Prof. Jing Ren?(Institute?of?High?Energy?Physics, CAS)
Time:?Dec. 10, 2024 (Tuesday), 10:00 am Beijing Time
Location:?Meeting Room 319, Library Building

In this work we propose a setup for the origin of dark matter based on spacetime with a warped extra dimension and three branes: the Planck brane, the TeV brane and a dark brane, at a (sub)-GeV scale. The Standard Model is localized in the TeV brane, thus solving the Higgs hierarchy problem, while the dark matter χ, a Dirac fermion, is localized in the dark brane. The dark matter has only gravitational interactions with the Standard Mode and we show that it can easily reproduce the thermal relic density by annihilations into radions and avoid direct detection experiments. The dark brane comes with a conformal sector confining at a 1st order phase transition generating a stochastic gravitational waves background which can accommodate the recent NANOGrav signal. A region in the parameter space of dark matter and radion masses is selected.
About the Speaker:
Fotis Koutroulis is a postdoc at Institute of High Energy Physics at Beijing. He received his doctoral degree from the Physics department at the National Technical University of Athens in 2021 and after that he held a postdoctoral position at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of Warsaw University until 2024. His main research interests focus on the interplay between Beyond the Standard model physics and Early Universe Cosmology.?


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