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學(xué)術(shù)報告: Superconducting RF Cavity/Coupler Designs, Simulation and Measurement Techniques for High Current, CW Applications
2014-02-26 | 【

  12199:00 五號廳會議室 

  Superconducting RF Cavity/Coupler Designs, Simulation and Measurement Techniques for High Current, CW Applications 

  Haipeng Wang 

  Thomas Jefferson Lab (JLab), USA 

     Superconducting radio frequency (SRF) accelerator cavities and their couplers used for high beam current (mA~A) storage rings like LHC at CERN, APS at ANL; Free Electron Lasers (FEL) by Energy Recovery Linacs (ERL), Continues Wave (CW) type injectors and linacs like IR-UV FEL/ERL and CEBAF 12GeV Upgrade at JLab, LCLS-II at SLAC and future CW linacs for proton applications require the SRF structures to be designed in a compact cryostat module and in high acceleration efficiency and heavily Higher Order Modes (HOM) damped to avoid any beam instability and thermal damage to the power couplers. 

     In this talk, I will review the simulation tools (by CST, ANSYS, ACDs etc) we used at JLab for the RF, thermal and mechanical design analysis and benchmark. The examples of electromagnetic (EM) simulations in frequency and time domain solutions using CST eigen and wakefield solvers will be given. Calculation details of RF coupling, transverse kick to the beam bunch, energy deposition and beam impedances will be explained. 

     The RF measurement methods and some result data from bench to vertical/horizontal tests and initial commissioning with beam in accelerator tunnel for APS and JLab 12GeV will be given. 



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