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加速器物理與技術系列講座 - 第五十四講
2014-12-12 | 【

  講座題目:Design of a Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment at BNL 

  主 講 人:Dr.W.T.Weng(翁武忠),BNL 

  主 持 人:秦慶 研究員 

  時    間:20141218日(星期四)  下午200 

  地    點:C305會議室 


  After a brief introduction of neutrino physics researches performed at BNL from 1962 to 2014, my role in the AGS Expt. 704 in 1977 on neutrino oscillation search by multi-turn fast extracting proton beam at 1.5 GeV will be described. The addition of AGS Booster in 1992 raised the AGS intensity to 7*10**(13) per pulse which allows the consideration of 1 MW beam from the AGS for long base line neutrino oscillation experiment to Homestead mine in South Dakota, 2,400 miles from BNL. If successful, the experiment can address the problems of both mass hierarchy and CP violation in neutrino sector. 

  The results of the study of “The AGS-Based Super Neutrino Beam Facility”, led by W. Marciano, M. Diwan and W. T. Weng performed in 2003 to 2006 at BNL, will be described. The design of the AGS complex for 1 MW operation and related accelerator improvement issues require the addition to the existing facility a new SPL of 1.0 GeV, increase rep rate of the AGS, and a new target and beam delivery system to Homestead. 

  At the end of my talk, I will comment on my interactions with IHEP since 1979 and over the last 35 years which witnessed the dramatic growth of IHEP. 


  Weng, Wu-Tsung Bill (翁武忠): B.Sc. EE, Taiwan Univ. '66; MS, Tsing Hua Univ, '68; Ph.D. Phys. SBU '74; Accelerator physicist, BNL '77- 83; SLAC '83-87; Senior Physicist at BNL since '87. Booster Project Head, '87- 90; Accelerator Division Head, '90-94; Chair of PAS&T Committee of NPSS/IEEE, '90-'94; Chair of PAC Conf. '99; Senior Team Leader of SNS Project Ring system, '96-'02; Head of Center of Accelerator Physics, '02-07; President, OCPA, 07-09; Program Manager at HEP/DOE, 07-10. Y. T. Lee Foundation Scholarship Award, '95; APS Fellow, IEEE Fellow. Specialty: accelerator physics, nonlinear dynamics, space charge effect, high power proton synchrotron. 



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