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加速器物理與技術系列講座 - 第五十六講
2015-10-30 | 【

  講座題目NSLS-II and Storage Ring Vacuum Systems 

  主講人Dr. Hsiao-Chaun Hseuh,BNL 

  主持人:何平 研究員 

  時   間:20151015日(星期四)  上午1030 

  地  點:C305會議室 



  National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) was completed in 2014, and has been in steady operation for users since early 2015. The overall scope of NSLS-II project will be presented. The design and construction of the storage ring vacuum systems and components will be detailed. The recent progress in beam commissioning and the operation experience will also be presented. 

  About the speaker:  Hsiao-Chaun Hseuh, NSLS-II Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, USA 

  Dr. Hseuh got his BS degree from Tsinghua University, Taiwan, and PhD from Washington University, in St. Louis, Mo. He has worked at BNL for 38 years, and was in charge of vacuum systems for many projects at Brookhaven, such as Isabellel, AGS, AGS Booster, g-2 Muon ring, RHIC, SNS Accumulator Ring and NSLS-II. 


  National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) was completed in 2014, and has been in steady operation for users since early 2015. The overall scope of NSLS-II project will be presented. The design and construction of the storage ring vacuum systems and components will be detailed. The recent progress in beam commissioning and the operation experience will also be presented. 

  About the speaker:  Hsiao-Chaun Hseuh, NSLS-II Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, USA 

  Dr. Hseuh got his BS degree from Tsinghua University, Taiwan, and PhD from Washington University, in St. Louis, Mo. He has worked at BNL for 38 years, and was in charge of vacuum systems for many projects at Brookhaven, such as Isabellel, AGS, AGS Booster, g-2 Muon ring, RHIC, SNS Accumulator Ring and NSLS-II. 



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