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法國ESRF實驗室Boaz Nash 博士學術報告
2017-06-15 | 【
報告題目: ESRF-EBS設計研究進展 (上午9:00~11:00)
報 告 人:Boaz Nash
時      間:4月6日全天
地      點:主樓623會議室
主 持 人: 徐 剛 研究員
Boaz, Nash,
Ph.D, Stanford University, 2006. Supervisor: Alex Chao.
Thesis Title: “Analytical Approach to Eigen-Emittance Evolution in Storage Rings”, the main topics were intrabeam scattering and synchro-betatron coupling.
Postdoctoral researcher, Brookhaven National Laboratory (2006-2009)
He worked on the design of the NSLS-II, helped develop the Tracy code and worked on theoretical topics in non-linear dynamics and collective effects.
Postdoctoral researcher, European Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (2009-2012)
Scientist, ESRF (2012-now)
He worked in the beam dynamics group of ESRF, helped on development of the Accelerator Toolbox code and done calculations for the current and upgrade ESRF Storage ring.  He also collaborated on the interaction between electron beam dynamics and x-ray optics calculations.



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