講座題目: PTC's structures and TPSA polymorphism: why?
主講人:Etienne Fores 博 士
主持人:徐 剛 研究員
時(shí) 間:6月12日(周一)下午2:00
地 點(diǎn):化學(xué)樓C407
I describe an integrator code that has a novel beam line structure to exploit maximally the lens representation used in accelerator physics. Such a code can do automatically (within its model) colliders, recirculators, dogbones, figure 8 and all imaginable beam line topologies. It is also equipped with TPSA so as to produce Taylor maps on demand with respect to any parameters. In such a code, tunes, invariants, lattice functions, radiation integrals, etc... are automatically generated if needed without much effort.
Dr. Etienne Forest obtained his Ph.D. Degree in Physics in University of Maryland in 1984 under Prof. A. Dragt and then worked at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory before becoming a professor at KEK in 1995, His major contribution is to have popularized symplectic integration and perturbation theory based on Taylor maps in the accelerator field, and his code FPP-PTC is an implementation of his idea to integrate these two aspects together, which is now embedded in several widely used accelerator simulation codes MADX, BMAD and ORBIT. Besides, he has authored two books “Beam Dynamics: A New Attitude and Framework” and “From Tracking Code to Analysis”.